I can't think of a happier return to Brooklyn than this. The good people from the ISSUE Project Room and the Brooklyn Heights Association were celebrating the poetry of Brooklyn's own Walt Whitman. There was a great lineup of bands, poets, and musicians
performing in Brooklyn Bridge Park against the backdrop of the Manhattan skyline and, of course, the majestic Brooklyn Bridge. I was playing with composer and fellow Silent Leaguer Shannon Fields, who composed a piece setting fragments of a letter that Whitman wrote to Ralph Waldo Emerson.
It was a beautiful day, I wish that I could've stayed for the whole event! I did see poet Steve Dalachinsky read "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry", and Henry Grimes play a short set of solo bass and violin.
Whitman's poetry continues to be a huge source of inspiration for me. Such an incredible spirit of generosity in those words. Something that's good to come back to again and again.